“If there’s a star here, it’s conductor Sergio Alapont, leading the Irish National Opera Orchestra. Alapont keeps the music moving forward with febrile energy.”
La Bohème Review – AllMusic
“It’s Sergio Alapont in the pit who really makes the difference, subtly stretching Puccini’s tempos for maximum dramatic effect, finding orchestral details in a familiar score that you had forgotten, or never properly heard, and above all letting his singers lead.”
Michael Beek, Reviews Editor, BBC Music Magazine
“Sergio Alapont kept a tight grip on the orchestra and accompanied the singers beautifully. His excellent balance of sound between the singers and the orchestra was impressive.”
Robert Beattie, Seen And Heard International
“Exquisitely played by the orchestra under Sergio Alapont.”
Anna Picard, The Times
“Conducting with rigour and delicacy, Sergio Alapont marshals the orchestra with aplomb, giving an exquisite performance.”
Chris O’Rourke, The Arts Review
“The direction of Maestro Sergio Alapont was torrential, without losing the dreamy inspiration necessary for the surrender of some moments: it seemed amazing to us.”
William G. Costabile Cisco, GB Opera
“…l’orchestre brillait de mille feux sous la baguette nuancée du Sergio Alapont. Celui-ci a abordé ensuite avec toute la verve et l’élégance requises par Bizet”
Le Telegramme
“Une vraie lumière mozartienne circule et la petite harmonie séduit, sous la direction détaillée et énergique de Sergio Alapont.”
Laurent Barthel, ConcertoNet.com
“Sergio Alapont enters deep into the score, above all trying to emphasise its modernity. In Puccini, the narrative tension is constant, the pace is quick, without compromising a generally wit and sensitive singing phrasing.”
Fabio Larovere, Corriere della Sera
“The Spaniard has a natural understanding of this repertoire, with the deft technique needed for those passages of breakneck speed and an instinct for the music’s inherent delicacy. Alapont draws playing of brilliant lightness and virtuosity.”
John Allison, The Telegraph